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Want to speak to a sales rep? Call us between 9:00-17:00 EST.

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We typically respond within 1 hour during business hours (9:00 AM – 6:00 PM EST, Monday through Friday.)

Schedule demo

Schedule a 20 minute call with our protocol specialists to discuss your workflow needs.


Sales FAQ

Looking for product support? Find answers to commonsupport questions here

Do you ship to my country/location?

Opentrons ships directly and internationally to a shipping address chosen by you, anywhere…

Do I need to use your tips?

Opentrons tips have been extensively tested & verified for use on the OT-2…

Are we able to create our own protocols?

Yes, all options are found here

How does installation, service, and training work?

We know you want to start automating right…

What are the dimensions of the OT-2?

63cm Width X 57cm Depth X 66cm Height

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Do you work with a distributor in my country?

Contact sales at for info.

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45-18 Ct Square W, Long Island City, NY 11101